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The Best Skill for 2024

Do you remember a time when you regretted something you said? I definitely do. I remember multiple times I regretted certain things I said. I wish I was just silent cause there are certain things that you can never take back. In this blog we’re going to be talking about why silence is a critical skill to learn to become the most resilient version of yourself.    I used to think that the

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Life’s Tests Are Opportunities

There are some people who love exams and some who don’t. Personally, I’ve always hated tests. I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to an exam in school except for the rare times when I had studied and prepared so well that I knew I would do amazing. I haven’t really met anyone who enjoys tests, if you’re someone who enjoys them, may Allah put more barakah in your life. As much as

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Do This One Thing to Be Confident

We’ve all experienced times of low self-confidence and low self-worth. So many of us want to know how to be more confident. If you’re feeling low self-confidence or if you’re feeling like you are not enough or you’re not worth it, then this blog will insha Allah be very beneficial to you. I’ll be sharing the one thing that has helped me become more confident and also we’ll be talking about a beautiful

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Is What You’re Thinking True?

Everything that we do in our life, every feeling, every action is based on what we’re thinking. It’s based on the thoughts we’re having and the average human has around 60,000 thoughts a day. I am so excited about today’s topic because learning about thoughts is the single thing that completely changed my life. We’ll be talking about the power of thoughts and also how it relates to science and most importantly how

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Are Religious People Tested More?

“Allah tests those whom He loves the most.” I heard this so often. Every time someone was going through a hardship, this line was repeated to them. When my mom passed away, I was told this. When someone is struggling to get married, they’re told this. When someone is struggling with having a child, they’re told this. Every time I was going through a test I repeated this line to myself. I reassured

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Stop Comparing Yourself

We’re in an era where social media is a big part of our lives. Almost every day, we see posts and updates about what others are doing. This often leads us to compare ourselves to them. Comparing ourselves to others can be really damaging, but it’s something many of us do without even realizing it. In today’s blog, we’re going to explore why we fall into the habit of comparing ourselves and share

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Is It Your Fault?

We all have a childhood. We all have a past that was not in our control. We didn’t choose who our parents were, where we were born, etc. We didn’t choose the details of how we were going to spend the first few years of our lives. So is our current life our fault? Was our past our fault? That’s what we’re going to be talking about in today’s blog.      When

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You’ll Never Know This About Others

We humans often pride ourselves on our intelligence and the vastness of our knowledge. And sure, we might be pretty smart and know a bunch of stuff. But, here’s the catch: there’s one thing we’ll never truly grasp unless we ask directly, and that’s the reason behind why people do what they do. Our assumptions about others’ actions? They’re pretty much off-base all the time. These misguided guesses we make about people are

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Why People Hurt Us

Today I want to talk to you about something that is simple but not very easy. Something that if you are able to do, your life will have so much peace in it. Your life will become so much easier. That something is forgiveness. People hurt us and we’ve hurt people and the best path is always forgiveness.      We’ve all been hurt in some way or another. Some of us have

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The One Habit That Will Change Your Life

Life can feel tough. There are so many challenges. So many things that we have to overcome. It can get overwhelming very quickly. And the crazy thing is just 1-2 tough days can seem to outweigh a whole week of calm, am I right? In today’s blog, I want to talk about why so much of life feels difficult and the one habit that will change that.    The other day, a friend

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3 Steps to Lessen Anxiety

Are you always worrying about the future? Does your mind work at the speed of light? Is it always trying to predict and control the future? Yup, mine too. It’s very common for our minds to do this and in this blog I want to explore that and also some steps that have helped me manage it.    The past couple of months have been the most difficult weeks of my entire life

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The Key to Inner Peace

There is one piece of advice that I wish I had truly embodied and repeated to myself every single day. This one thing could have saved me from so much heartache and pain. The one thing that by doing, I have become 10x more resilient. And that’s what I want to talk about in this blog.   A few months ago I found my best friend. The friend that we all need. The

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5 Steps to Build Confidence

What is confidence? There are 2 types of confidence. Confidence in achieving goals and then self confidence.    Confidence in achieving goals would be for example having confidence to start a business or leave a job, or start a new hobby or project. Self confidence is a state of being, it’s how you present yourself and feel about yourself. It’s how you view yourself.    And in this blog we’re going to be

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Stop Caring What Other People Think

How often do you think about what will other people think? How often do you make decisions more for others than for yourself? We all in one way or another really care what other people think about us. There is so much in our life that we do or don’t do solely because of what other people will think. And it’s natural because we are creatures of connection. But sometimes we care too

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Is it Ever Too Late?

Resilience is to push through. It is to never give up even when things are difficult.  But are there times when it’s too late? When something is over and you have to give up on it? Are there some things that are not fixable? That’s what we’re going to be talking about in this blog. It’s been 2.5 years since my mom passed away. And till now, I have people ask me if

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3 Steps to Happiness

Imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of joy, a smile that won’t fade, and an unwavering sense of contentment. No matter what challenges life throws your way, you remain resilient, positive, and genuinely happy. Sounds impossible doesn’t it?    We all yearn for lasting happiness, that elusive state of mind that seems to slip through our fingers in the midst of life’s ups and downs. Yet, the pursuit of happiness

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